Teta, the first of the boats used in the LIFE A-MAR NATURA2000 project, sets sail to reach the marine sites of Liguria
The launch press conference of the sailing campaign in the Tyrrhenian Sea, coordinated by Triton Research with the operational support of the Italian Naval League, as part of the LIFE A- MAR NATURA2000 (LIFE20 GIE/IT/001352). The project funded by the LIFE program of the European Union is coordinated by Federparchi-Europarc Italia and also involves Lipu and the Spanish partner Fundación Biodiversidad. An itinerary in the blue to discover and rediscover the most interesting jewels of our Mediterranean including among the 288 Italian marine sites of Natura 2000, the “ecological network” established 30 yaers ago by the European Union, which connects virtually all the most important sites for conservation of habitats and species.
The meeting, organized by Federparchi-Europarc Italia in collaboration with Triton Research and Lega Navale Italiana, opened with institutional greetings from the deputy mayor of La Spezia Maria Grazia Frijia, and was followed by Raffaele Grandi, president of Triton Research, from whom idea the project was born and who coordinates all the communication activities, the sailing campaign and the creation of the app, Luca Santini president of Federparchi-Europarc Italia who will organize the 12 participatory meetings and the 14 free guided tours along the stages touched by the campaign sailing, Emanuele Moggia and Giampiero Sammuri, respectively presidents of two of the three co-financed parks PN of the Cinque Terre and PN of the Tuscan Archipelago (the third is the PN of Asinara), Andrea Mazza, press office manager of Lipu responsible for the 5 local events foreseen by the project and finally the Adm. Donato Marzano president of Lega Navale Italiana who supported the sailing campaign by providing boats and crew made up of members of the Lega Navale who are passionate about the sea and sailing. At the end of the meeting, all the participants were able to witness the departure of the sailing campaign with “Teta” which left its moorings towards Lerici, the first stage of the sailing tour which will touch over 30 marine sites. The calendar foresees six weeks of navigation starting from Liguria (May 15-21), and then continuing along the northern coast of Sicily (May 22-June 4), Tuscany (June 5-11), Sardinia (June 14-11). June 20) and finally Lazio (June 22-28).