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November 9,  2023

LIFE A-MAR NATURA2000 participate to "Fieracavalli" event in Verona

On the day of the 125° edition of “Fieracavalli”, an important horse show exhibition event, in Verona, Italy.
LIFE A-MAR NATURA2000 is present and continues to spread on the beauty of the marine and coastal sites of the Natura2000 network.

Information panels and informative materials of the LIFE A-MAR NATURA2000 project have been made available to the large audience of the Fieracavalli exhibition that is taking place in Verona from 9 to 12 November 2023.

At the stand created by Federparchi you can learn about the activities of the project dedicated to the knowledge and enhancement of the marine and coastal sites of the Natura 2000 Network and deepen the issues related to biodiversity and ecosystems of the Marine Areas Protetta.

Federparchi participated in Fieracavalli in the collaboration with “Nature on horseback” in order to facilitate the use of protected areas and marine and coastal sites of the Natura 2000 network also by those who practice horseback riding signing an agreement under the aegis of the Ministry of Environment and Energy Security.