The area holds significant importance both from a landscape and environmental perspective. Within the dune system, there is a range of plant communities characterized by psammophilic and subhalophytic features, with highly specialized and rare entities in Sicily, partly due to human disturbance in these habitats. Some fragments of maquis are also of interest, particularly those with Quercus calliprinos, which are quite rare and localized, as well as the aspects of garrigue with Mediterranean dwarf palm, the limited areas with halophytic Crithmo-Limonium species, and the hygrophilous formations along the mouths of the two watercourses. These areas provide refuge for various resident and migratory fauna species. Among the botanical species, there are some rare entities or those considered of particular phytogeographical interest.
The site includes environments, even of small dimensions, that play a significant role in the survival of localized invertebrate fauna in this area, which is not widely found elsewhere. The mouth of the Belice River plays a fundamental role as a route and resting place for migratory birds.