The natural vegetation on the whole appears rather degraded due to cutting and fires. Currently, the island is covered with secondary shrubby formations. In the past, extensive areas, especially those less steep, were cultivated, while today the cultivation is limited to areas near the houses. The less disturbed and better-preserved formations are the halophilic or sub-halophilic coastal ones found on rocky slopes. The island is located on an important migratory route for birds of pray and storks, which is part of the same migratory flow as the Strait of Messina. Additionally, the passage of passerines, especially in the autumn, is significant, with an abundance of turdids and sylviids. Among the nesting birds, the most notable presence is represented by colonies of Eleonora’s falcon, which are located on the rocky cliffs. The herpetofauna is also interesting, with a subspecies Podarcis raffonei; this species is endemic to the Faraglione La Canna and it is located about 1.5 km northwest of Filicudi, which is currently excluded from the site’s perimeter. Therefore, it is proposed to extend the perimeter to include this important islet.