The Seabeds, located between the municipalities of Bergeggi, Spotorno, and Noli, are characterized by a rocky and coralligenous coast, as well as Posidonia meadows. In some areas, the Posidonia meadow is degraded due to the disposal of excavation materials and rocks into the sea, which are carried out in the last century. Additionally, there is an extensive meadow of dead matte. The coralligenous is well represented by the more prominent facies with gorgonians and sponges on rocky outcrops starting from 38 meters; however, there is local damage caused by anchoring and lost fishing gear. The presence of submerged caves on the island of Bergeggi and the nearby coast, in addition to being interesting examples of karst formations, allows for a high faunal richness. Moreover, some specimens of loggerhead sea turtle and bottlenose dolphin have been observed near the continental cliffs and the island.