The area includes the stretch of sea facing the Regional Nature Reserve of Torre Salsa and the Site of Community Importance (SCI) – Magazzolo River Mouth, Platani River Mouth, Capo Bianco and Torre Salsa (ITA040003); the latter encompasses some of the most undamaged sandy beaches in Sicily, as well as dune systems that host both natural and artificial plant communities. The site is characterized by an extensive meadow of Posidonia and Cystoseira. Of particular interest are the underwater bioconstructions created by the polychaete Sabellaria alveolata. Characteristic elements of the area also include promontories and cliffs consisting of marly limestone and globigerina marls, as well as clayey badlands. The area does not experience significant pressures due to the protection regime of the Nature Reserve with an exception during the tourist season, when there is notable tourism and recreational boating pressure.